C4 diagramm project template

Warp to the code: Structurizr Model Template

What is it Link to heading

Simple template repository for creating C4 diagrams using Structurizr. Repository configures configured Dockerfile and docker-compose files for running model with Structurizr Lite

C4? Link to heading

The C4 (Context, Containers, Components, and Code) model, developed by Simon Brown, provides a comprehensive framework for visualizing and documenting software architecture at different levels of abstraction. These levels include the system context, containers within the system, components within containers, and finally, the code level.

System Landscape example

Whaaaat? Why should I bother? Link to heading

At the apex of the C4 hierarchy is the System Context diagram, offering a high-level overview of the system and its external entities, illustrating how it fits into the broader environment. This initial abstraction lays the foundation for deeper exploration.

Moving down the hierarchy, the Containers diagram delves into the various containers that make up the system—containers being deployable units such as applications, databases, or servers. This level of detail helps to understand the interactions and dependencies between containers, providing a more granular view of the architecture.

Zooming in further, the Components diagram breaks down each container into individual components, representing classes, modules, or services. This level of abstraction allows architects to communicate the key building blocks of the system, facilitating discussions around functionality and responsibilities.

Finally, at the bottom of the hierarchy, the Code diagram drills into the internal workings of individual components, presenting a visual representation of the classes, interfaces, and relationships within the codebase. This level of detail aids developers in understanding the implementation details and fosters collaboration among team members.

One of the strengths of the C4 model lies in its scalability and flexibility. Architects can choose the level of detail that suits their communication needs, providing a balance between simplicity and depth. This adaptability makes C4 diagrams an invaluable tool for diverse stakeholders, from high-level decision-makers seeking an overview to developers delving into the nitty-gritty of the code.

The C4 model offers a structured and systematic approach to architectural description, empowering teams to navigate the complexity of software systems with clarity. By utilizing C4 diagrams at various levels of abstraction, architects and developers can foster a shared understanding of the architecture, paving the way for effective collaboration and informed decision-making.

Template repository Link to heading

This repository provides a standardized folder structure for C4 models, equipped with a pre-configured Dockerfile and docker-compose setup for running Strucutrizr Lite. The goal is to simplify and enhance your architectural documentation process.

Features Link to heading

  • Modular Organization: Elements are neatly split into separate files.
  • Role-Based Categorization: Elements are organized into subfolders based on their roles—components, containers, datastores, and systems.
  • Docker Integration: Included Dockerfile and docker-compose for hassle-free deployment of Strucutrizr Lite.
  • Development in a container: Included configured .devcontainers

Example Model Link to heading

The example model showcases how to intelligently structure and document architectural components. Check individual files for a focused understanding.

Implementing own model Link to heading

Clone repository and start adding and editing files under model directory.

Links Link to heading